Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Importance of agriculture in Nepal

   Our country Nepal has more village than towns.Most of the people are farmers.They depend on agriculture,Which is the backbone of the country, supplies people with the daily needs.Unless Nepal can develop agriculture sectors,the upliftment of the country proves to be impossible.
  Agriculture sector provides us many benefits and achievements.Unless the agro-based country can feed its people,development may not gear up its pace,rather crawls.If the country has to import the food from the other country,its money goes away.and by the result development pace very slowly.If we can produce more crops,vegetables and fruits than we need, than we can export them in other countries to earn the foreign currency.
  Thus,agriculture development in Nepal is very important to provide daily needs to the people,increase exports, cut down imports, solve the problem of unemployment and provide raw materials to some industries.The development of the country depends on the agriculture development.The government and responsible sectors should give the top most priority to agriculture development.


  1. It's correct answer and also the economic condition of Nepal is very slow.People of Nepal are under the line of poverty.

  2. Also people of Nepal are quite poor. The economic condition of Nepal is very slow. People are under the line of poverty.

  3. Also people of Nepal are quite poor. The economic condition of Nepal is very slow. People are under the line of povert

  4. Most of the people are farmers.They depend on agriculture,Which is the backbone of the country, supplies people with the daily needs.
